Sunday, September 5, 2010

Help Showing Agents sell Your Home!

In order to get your home sold, you will need to provide training to the showing agent to make sure they can sell your home. I know that this sounds crazy. "You have to help showing agents sell your home?"

I don't mean by being there and following them around to make sure that they point out the most positive aspects of your home. Please don't do that. Buyers do not like a homeowner to "pitch to them" in person.

I mean by providing them with the information necessary for them to present your home in the most positive light. You see, many top agents in real estates do not preview homes before showing them. This means that they may not have the product knowledge to properly show your home.

I know... this is not the way it should be done. Agents should preview the properties and make sure that they know the product and how it meets the prospective buyer's needs. Sadly, this is not often the case. Most agents know little about your home prior to showing it to a prospective buyer.

So, how do you make sure that they know the positive aspects of your home when they haven't taken the time to know your home before showing? You must make it easy for them by preparing quality detailed marketing materials about your home and have it readily available so that the agent and buyer cannot miss the material when they visit your home.

The "Marketing Information Package" about your home must be comprehensive. To see a comprehensive presentation of material about a home, visit my website at and go to one of my properties. Open and print the color marketing brochure on several of them. This will show you what I consider to be a complete package.

If your agent does not provide this detailed package, you could be missing the boat and owning your home longer than you want.

Good luck and happy selling.
Sonny Moyers, Best of D Magazine
Ebby Halliday Realtors