Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Home Office

We are experts in the luxury home market in our city. It is always fun to look at the lavish studies that are built in marvelous homes. Beautiful woods, specially crafted computer stations, and bookcases that anyone would love. You may be wondering whether or not these lavish home offices are actually used. Of course they are, but not in the manner that you might think. In fact, many are not used at all.

A beautiful study in the typical luxury home looks perfect. It is clean, tidy, and seldom has the look or feel of an operating work area. Why, because it is seldom used as a real office. In most luxury homes the luxurious study is really a show office. While there might be meetings or conference calls going on in the study, people don’t often work in the study.

In our next blog I will explore the reasons that beautiful studies are actually seldom used for working.

Sonny Moyers

The O'Dea Moyers Group

Managing Partner

(O) 972-464-4110

(C) 469-261-5715