Saturday, November 7, 2009

The “Big Boys” have graduated. They are now bigger, and in some ways badder. Because “Big Boys” are big business, the industry has changed. I know that at industry conventions, and other meetings, everyone talks about sharing, giving, helping each other out.

While this is commendable, it may also be dangerous to your business health. You see, trade secrets are called trade secrets for a reason. I am not suggesting that you go to meetings with a bad attitude, simply, that sharing your competitive secrets are not very smart.

The “Big Boys” have secrets. That's right. They have their own National and International Meetings where they don't allow outsiders. They talk about their secrets and they agree not to share their trade secrets with anyone outside their TEAM.

So now, you have some secrets too. Use the “20 Ways to Beat the “Big Boys”. Remember, “Big Boys” will be boys, and we have to be smaller, faster, smarter, quicker, leaner, more focused, and more competitive if we hope to win in the big leagues.

What are you going to do today to begin competing with the “Big Boys?”

How will you motivate yourself to jump out of your comfort zone and innovate?

Who will help you to achieve your objectives?

The Sonny Moyers Challenge
The world today is filled with average people. Many do not dare to be different, and are afraid of challenges that push them. Like the gazelle, it’s a race for survival. You can win the race and live!

I challenge you to differentiate yourself and your company by using the “20 Ways to Beat the Big Boys”.