While the large organization has many advantages over the smaller organization, the smaller organization can capitalize on their competitor’s largeness to create a sales and marketing advantage. Every issue that the large competitor claims to be an advantage can be turned into a disadvantage. By pointing out the differences between the companies, you can demonstrate to a prospect or existing client, the value of your company’s smallness.
Not every traveler wants to stay at the Marriott and while the Marriott Hotel chain appeals to a broad audience of business travelers, there are a number of smaller more service oriented hotels that appeal to a special group of clientele that want, and are willing to pay, for superior services.
Now is the time to completely and thoroughly differentiate yourself from the larger competitors and create your own atmosphere. The descriptions of your company and the services you provide tell a story about how you are different and better than your competitors. The larger competitors often use size as an advantage; we therefore need to remove that advantage.
For example, we might say to a prospect or client:
"Well, Tom, as you know, we are not as large as some of the other providers in town. We believe that this is an advantage to you! You see, being small allows us to focus more completely on a smaller number of very important clients and provide a level of service that others cannot match. It is hard for us to forget about what makes you happy and provides the greatest value to you, when you are so important to our success. Our personalized attention to your individual needs and wants sets us apart from others. While we could be larger, our goal is to be better. Big is not better, “Better Is Better."
You might go on to say,
You know Tom; we work very hard to personalize our service to each client. Each client, like you, is unique and different. Each of our clients has their own personality and we try to take that into consideration in the way our TEAM works with you. If we have to spread our time among more clients, your wants and needs cannot be dealt with as thoroughly as we both desire.
Sonny Moyers
Office: 972-464-4100
Fax: 972-464-4151
Home Office: 972-712-6777
Cell: 469-261-5715
Message Center: 972 733 9549
Email: sonny@thesingularsolution.com
Address: North Dallas Office
1415 Legacy Drive, Suite 100
Frisco , TX 75034