Sales Readiness is the term that describes a state of preparedness to sell; in short, what must be done to demonstrate professionalism to a prospective client! Only a small percent of the business I visit are ready to meet prospects on short notice. In most cases, the teams I visit are ill-prepared, materials were not available, or products were not ready to show to prospects. The Sales Readiness checklist assures that the facilities and the TEAM is ready to move into a professional sales presentation at any time. A lack of Sales Readiness often demonstrates that the TEAM does not see itself as a part of the sales TEAM.
The “Big Boys” must deal with bigness in this area. A larger company usually sees each client as less important, because each client’s expenditures are less of the total revenue.
As businesses get larger and staffing gets smaller, the demands on TEAM members increase and their ability to think about how things look or feel, diminishes. Larger organizations often put less attention to detail.
We need to compete with the “Big Boys” by outperforming them in the area of Sales Readiness. Our attention to detail must be greater and consistently higher than the competitors. This attention to detail must become a part of our daily thinking about what we provide to the client. When we approach Sales Readiness from this perspective, we start seeing our businesses through the eyes of a client.
You might say to a client:
"You know Tom; we understand that the devil is in the details. Each day our TEAM focuses on the details of keeping your needs and wants first and foremost in mind. We don't always achieve that level of perfection, but we strive for it on a daily basis. As you talk to our TEAM members, please notice the attention to detail orientation of our TEAM."