Large operators are so big and so powerful; they don't have to be good. You know what I mean; after all, they have 600 plus locations, or 5,000 employees, so they must think they are the best. Because they are already the best, they don't need to concern themselves with knowing what you are doing. After all, you are so small and insignificant. If this is the attitude of the “Big Boys”, let's use it to our advantage.
We need to know more about them, their pricing, their clients, their services, their systems, their buildings, their locations, than they do. This will give us a competitive advantage when talking to a prospect or a client.
Let's allow them to ignore us long enough for us to master our knowledge of their business. I know that it is not popular to shop the competitor, but it is essential for us to know them better than they know themselves. Websites are outstanding for obtaining competitive information. Telephone shopping a competitor can provide a great wealth of information. Let's know more about them than they know about themselves.
For example:
"You know, the “Big Boys” marketing is outstanding. I admit that their website is one of the most up to date in the industry. However, we are focused on understanding your business so that we can keep up with you. While our website is important, you are most important. We look at your website more than we look at ours. We focus on your business a great deal so that we can understand your needs now and in the future. I have some observations about your business that I would like to share with you when you have some time. I am confident that we can meet your needs and wants better because we spend more time understanding what you need and want.”
Information is Power. When you demonstrate to a prospect that you know the market and the competition, your credibility goes up.
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