When you are selecting an agent to represent you, whether you are buying or selling, ask them if they are on the Relocation Team and how many relocation buyers they have been assisted recently. If they are not working with relocation buyers on a regular basis, then you can bet they may not be bringing a relocation buyer to view your home in the near future.
When relocating, don’t let your guard down. Just because an agent is referred to you by your relocation company does not mean they will meet your needs. Often, you can select your own agent. If they are Relocation Qualified, the Relocation Company will most likely accept them as your agent.
Jayme Schmalzried, Corporate Relocation Manager of Ebby Halliday Relocation Division, talks about Relocation Agents and Sonny Moyers…
“In working with Corporate buyers, we want to be sure that they are put with the very best possible agent to meet the families’ needs. The reason that I counsel with the transferring employee is to better understand what they are leaving behind in their departure area and what they expect here. The agent that I assign is one that I feel has a similar personality and life-style. Our buyers feel confident in the agent because of this. It is important for the Corporate Buyer to work with a Professional Agent that has years of experience in this marketplace and has a broad understanding of housing opportunities in all price ranges. Most of our buyers are not interested in only one single area, so it is critical for the agent to know the surrounding areas that might best fit the families’ needs. My corporate agents, with you being the perfect example, go the extra mile in providing quality service by most importantly being a good listener, previewing options, educating the buyer by email and Internet prior to their arrival, providing quality and current information on the area such as taxes, schools, day care, shopping and medical facilities, and finally, making sure that they buy wisely. This purchase may be a listing for Ebby Halliday somewhere down the line. We are committed to customer service and it is promised on the first day that I talk to the Transferring Buyer. We maintain nothing less than a 98% excellent rating."
Sonny Moyers
The O'Dea Moyers Group
Managing Partner
(O) 972-464-4110
(C) 469-261-5715