Large organizations are notorious for squeezing revenues out of their clientele. Days of productive time are spent coming up with new ways to add to the bottom line. This is a worthy goal for some organizations; however, we should look for ways to use this to our advantage against the “Big Boys”.
If we spend more time looking for reasonable, cost effective ways of adding value to our service package, we will be able to demonstrate to the client that our focus is on their benefit, not their pocketbook. This eliminates anger and frustration, allowing partnering to occur. This builds our relationship with the client and lessens the chance that the "Big Boys” will take our best clients.
For example:
"Tom, I realize that your business depends a great deal on sales to new clients. It occurred to me that you might be able to benefit from our ability to create PowerPoint presentations. Here is a presentation that we did for one of our other clients. Naturally, we usually charge for this service, but you are such a valuable client, I want to volunteer our TEAM to assist you in the development of a PowerPoint presentation for your business. I mean it. We think we can really help you in this area and would like to put something together for your review."
"George, I noticed that when you go on trips, you receive a number of telephone calls that demand to know where you are. Karen, our Executive Receptionist, said that many times she attempts to reach you but your cell phone is turned off. It occurred to us that having an itinerary of your trip would allow us to save up messages and then reach you at your next destination. We could even leave a message or send a fax with the contacts for you. If this does not help, do you have any other ideas we might consider?”