Did the agent that you were interviewing speak directly to you and your situation or use general information that had little to do with your situation? If the agent arrived touting their experience and success as the primary reasons that you should select them you should be cautious. The decision to choose the agent should be based upon their ability to bring resources together to accomplish a marketing plan in order to get your home sold at the highest possible price in the time frame that you have for making your move.
Did the agent that you were interviewing truly listen to your questions?
Your Family
Did the agent understand and explain the ramifications of marketing your home on your family, your children, and your pets?
Neighborhood Knowledge
Did the agent that you interviewed have relevant and current knowledge about your neighborhood and the events and situations that are taking place there? For example, does the agent know about foreclosures that are on the market, homeowner association issues, crime issues etc?
Presentation Ability
After interviewing the agent, did you feel that this is the best agent to present your home to buyers as well as other agents both personally and over the telephone and Internet?
Presentation Tools
Did the agent that you were interviewing have impressive presentation skills and abilities? Did the materials that they provided impress you with her quality and professionalism?
Do you feel that the agent could empathize with your situation, the demands on your time, and the sacrifices you are making to get your home sold?
Lack of Organization
Did the agent appear to be disorganized, rushed, unsure of their facts, or ill prepared?
Recommendations for Improvements
Did the agent demonstrate the ability to identify and understand what improvements, changes, or updates would be necessary to properly market your home in the current market environment?
In our next blog, we will move on to putting you 1st!…